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  • Writer's pictureSara Ault

Walk the Pious Path, for Upon Victory Lies

Life is good, treat it as such! Great with prayer, and a heart open to the gods, and your ancestors:

"Hail, day! | Hail, sons of day!

And night and her daughter now!

Look on us here | with loving eyes,

That waiting we victory win.

"Hail to the gods! | Ye goddesses, hail,

And all the generous earth!

Give to us wisdom | and goodly speech,

And healing hands, life-long."

Without faith, and piousness towards our gods, building yourself up, and taking on the world is daunting. Perpetually theorizing about the gods closes you off from experiencing them. Learn what you need too and put faith in those who have dedicated themselves to their service and spend more time building a relationship with them instead. All the esoteric knowledge, and practice will never come close to the power of being a doer, winning the favor & blessings of gods.

Don't be too hard on yourself, as you grow and journey in Asatru. It's a faith, a series of ongoing relationships, and at times trials. These are things set in motion by the gods, and past actions of our folk, that are opportunities to shape us for the better and thrust us upward in life. This is why the gods & challenge bless those who are loyal, endure, and have conviction. They want us to be more like them, and growth & evolution is seldom comfortable. Be bold, have principles, be noble, and absolute in all that you do. Make each act you commit into action, an act of worship. Life is good, live it!

Gothi Jason Plourde


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