Declaration of Purpose 1

Our purpose in the practice and implementation of Ásatrú in the AFA is to tap into our ancestral ways, our ancestral spirit, and practice it as things are today. We are uniquely tied to this as a people and culture. These ways have been passed to us by our forebearers and our Gods, shaping us to be who we are. This is our cultural history belonging to our people with the divine heritage that our Gods and ancestors passed down to us at a cellular level in metagenetic form.

It has been millennia since we forgot what our ancestors inherently knew to be true. And that is that we come from the Æsir as they created our Folk in Askr and Embla. That we are a noble race with the ability to change our world around us as we see fit, opposed to being a race of stagnation, naivety, and lethargy. For over a hundred centuries our ancestors have been methodically weakened and now muzzled to the point of instilling fear and self-loathing by those afraid of us. This could never have happened in an all-out frontal campaign, no, it was methodical, deliberate, and thorough with the utmost patience and arrogance, or so they think it to be thorough. It is up to every one of us to keep that flame of our Folk alive, to nurture that flame, and to share it with our Folk in our own campaign to reopen our eyes. This is all of our responsibility, from the Alsherjargoði to the new member that goes to a Moot for the first time. WE, have the ability to change our environment, to build each other back up to our former ancestral glory. When fear and hopelessness set in, reach out to your Folk and remind yourself that it is up to us as a people to come together in this, you are not alone. Don't be distracted by petty disagreements amongst each other, don't be drawn in to those who aim to divide and weaken us. Build your Folk up and they will build you up, strengthening your Folk will strengthen you. The adverse is also true so when you feel wronged or hurt by something, draw from your inherent nobility that the Æsir gave us and work it out with Courage, Fidelity, and Perseverance.

Gothi Nathan Erlandson